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Eyes on the Prize: Dispatches From the 2008 Election

Sam Brownback started an exploratory committee, perhaps filling a void that Bill Frist’s departure and George Allen’s self-destruction leaves – the white, heartland, socially-conservative, we-are-American values niche image. Brownback is probably a dark horse with little name recognition, but could be a serious contender if social conservatives flex their political muscle in the Republican Primary, in an attempt to remain relevant. Indeed, this is a major problem with the primary system. Front-runners like McCain must spend the next two years shoring up their conservative bona fides, and then must immediately tact to the middle during the generation election. The same problem occurs on the other side of the aisle. Dean was popular among likely primary voters, but how would a Dean general election campaign have been run?

Also, on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton is stepping up activity. meeting with New York Governor-elect Spitzer and fellow NY Senator Charles Schumer, to shore up home front support for her inevitable presidential bid. Further the Globe article linked above discusses Evan Bayh’s recently formed exploratory committee.

In the wake of the midterms, the Presidential contest has officially begun. “I’m focused on winning this election” is no longer an excuse to dodge important questions concerning 2008. May the horserace begin.